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Year 6 ​​

Welcome to Year 6!

Contact Miss Hallam - Mr Partridge-


Welcome back to the final part of Summer Term. Year 6 are greatly excited about all the wonderful things upcoming in the following weeks. We have lots of events going on and in particular look forward to our residential next week. Let's make this a fantastic final term at Red Hill. 


A fantastic afternoon exploring how the heart pumps blood around the body. Children in Year 6 had the opportunity to look closely at the different areas of the heart by watching a dissection in action. We talked about how each area of the heart functions and the journey of blood as it travels around the chambers of the heart. Well done to everyone for a fantastic range of questions. 

Welcome to Summer Term 2024 

A great start back with all Year 6 pupils working extremely hard. It has been great to see that lots managed to get some sunshine from their holidays away and that others managed to relax and spend time with family and friends. We have a very busy time in the lead up to SATs with lots to look forward to; including our residential, school play and leavers activities. We will be letting all parents know as soon as possible any specific dates affecting Year 6 that we have to look forward to. 

Summer Term - Science 

It was great to be able to use scientific slides to analyse what blood looks like up close. We were able to use a microscope to analyse blood and discuss the importance of blood along with how it travels around the body. 


Reach for the stars 

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, Year 6 have been exercising hard as part of a 'Stepathon' fundraiser. Children have been sponsored to complete as many steps they can. We laid the foundations for the rest of Key Stage 2 and completed an astronomical number of steps. Will we, as a school, reach the equivalent step count to get us to outer-space?


Parent Showcase - Art Gallery 

Thank you to all parents who recently attended our Parent Showcase. Children and parents worked together to create some beautiful pieces inspired by artists. They used paint as an art medium and designed their pieces to be emotive and deliver a powerful message. 

We are all Rockstars at Red Hill. 

Children have been working extremely hard on their timestables. We love an excuse to dress up and practice our skills. Our Times Table Rockstar day was the perfect chance for this. 


Science Investigations

We used torches to identify how light travels by conducting a scientific experiment to observe and analyse the direction of light. We found that light travels in straight lines and creates shadows behind the objects which it cannot travel through.

Conducting experiments is a key part of our science. We create models to test a hypothesis and observe what happens when we change variables. We have had great fun creating more models in our topic on light. Check out how we use torches, mirrors and water to look at refraction and reflection.