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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

We are really excited to share our learning journey with you. Please have a look below at all of the 'amazing' things that we have been up to.

If you have any questions, please email any of the staff below:

Contact: Miss Jenkins-, Mrs Reece

Our reading corner:

Year 3 have really enjoyed reading in their reading corner! We are enjoying developing our passion for reading and love immersing ourselves in books. 

Summer 1:

Roman trip to the Corinium museum:

Year 3 went on a super exciting trip to the Corinium museum, where we learnt all about the Romans! We had lots of activities to have a go at such as dressing up, pottery, making our own mosaics and playing some Roman games! We then also had time to explore the museum and saw lots of amazing artefacts!

Blessed Edwards summer sport trip

We had such a great time taking part in different summer sport activities including tennis, athletics and rounders. Have a look below at some of our amazing children!

Spring 1:

Year 3/4 cross country event:

Year 3 and 4 absolutely blew us away with their cross country skills and we were so proud of the children and their determination in the cold weather! We had some really fabulous results and the smile on everyone faces were worth it. Special mention to:

Sasha- 1st, Ella-Rose, 5th, Casper- 2nd and Joseph- 5th!

Science- Trip to Lower Smite Farm Park:

Year 3 went on a very exciting trip to Lower Smite Farm Park where we spent the day learning all about rocks and soils. We had a big investigation to complete where we were given lots of different types of rocks and had to work out what they were! We also looked at sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks and created them using our hands and a microwave! We then went out and investigated the different types of soil and started digging for fossils! 

Autumn 2:


One morning, when we arrived at school, we noticed chaos in our group room! Our doors were all taped up and there were big 'no entry' signs on the door. When we unlocked the door, we couldn't believe our eyes- we had a major crime scene infront of us and it was our job to find out who the culprit was. 


Music and enrichment opportunities:

We have had a really busy half term with music! We have been learning lots of different Christmas carols and then we performed both at the Victorian Fair and also at Red Hill Care Centre. We had such an amazing time and we were so incredibly proud of the children. We certainly brightened up lots of faces!



Harvest festival:

We had so much fun leading the Harvest Festival this year. The children worked so hard to learn their lines and were so clear and careful when reading them. Have a look below at some pictures of us in action.


In P.E this half term, we are working on our fundamental skills and how to play hockey. We have really loved learning the skills and the rules of the game and even having a go at our own hockey games. 


Our science topic this half term is plants! We have been looking at lots of different things, including the different parts and their functions through dissecting flowers and seed dispersal.