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Year 1

Contact Miss Thomas or Mrs Saunders


Maths in Year 1

We have been using manipulatives to explore numbers to 10. We have focused on place value, representing numbers in different ways and comparing numbers. We've also looked at addition and subtraction for the remainder of the autumn term. We have been using part whole models, tens frames, Numicon and counting objects to support us in our learning. We are learning to write number sentences using mathematical symbols and find missing numbers.

In spring term, we applied all of this learning to numbers to 20 including addition and subtraction. We will be exploring measurements of height, length, weight and mass using non-standard units of measure. To finish the term, we will be look at numbers to 50 and their place value. 



Reading in Year 1

We enjoy reading for pleasure throughout the week in our book corner, in the classroom and at the library. We love taking books home from the library and changing them each week. We read as part of our guided reading lessons every day and enjoy reading our books to adults in school. We aim to change library books on Tuesday but they can be swapped any day with a book from our book corner. Bug Club books will be changed every Thursday unless otherwise notified. Please ensure all books are in school each day so that we can read 1:1 with your child when we have volunteers and staff available. 




In Autumn term, we explored two stories - Aargh Spider, by Lydia Monks, and Stuck, by Oliver Jeffers. We have retold these two fantastic stories and practised using a story map to sequence the events throughout the book. This has taken us out and about around school to get us hooked into our new book. The children loved the day when we found all of the objects stuck in a tree.  ​We finished the autumn term writing instructions on how to catch Santa and explored imperative verbs and appropriate adjectives. 

We began the spring term with some lovely descriptive writing for our book, The Koala who Could by Rachel Bright.  We began by working on our descriptive writing tools, to help us write a character description of Kevin the Koala. We continued to write to entertain using the book, Mr Wolf's Pancakes. We were excited to make pancakes to hook in to this book and wrote some wonderful stories using our new vocabulary: chorused, dashed, gobbled, rotten and many more. 

We continue spring term exploring our new book, Somebody Swallowed Stanley. So far, we've made some great predictions, explored some new vocabulary and retold the story using a story map. 




The autumn term saw us begin our learning in Geography. We explored a variety of maps for different purposes, looking at Google Earth, globes, atlases, OS maps, street maps and tourist maps of Worcester and beyond. We moved on to look at human and physical features of our school, our local area and our city of Worcester. We enjoyed a walk around Worcester seeing first hand the human and physical features of our local area. By the end of term, we could talk about our favourite landmarks and why they are special to us. 

In Spring 2 we're moving on to learning, "What is wonderful about the UK?". We are looking at the four countries that make up the UK, their capital cities and the human and physical features that make them special. We will also be looking at the different types of weather we find in the UK. 



We have been learning about nursing and changes over time. We focus on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and look at the impact that they have had. We have looked at the role of nurses and all that they do for their patients. We remembered this when learning about two significant individuals. We made comparisons between these two important nurses and looked at how they changed the world. We learned they were both caring people who helped soldiers in the Crimean War. 


Enrichment in year 1

We have been lucky to have our grandparents and parents come in to enrich our learning in history of family trees. We made our family trees and used photos to explore the different generations of our family. We've had lots of great activities completed as part of our house projects and have enjoyed sharing these in class. Year 1 have also been lucky enough to go on a couple of local walking trips including visits to St Martins Church and the landmarks of Worcester. We concluded our learning in RE on the creation story by visiting St Martin's church to talk to Father Peter, Father Mike and Reverend Richard about creation, the church and celebrations that are held there. We also took part in a multi-sports festival at Blessed Edward's and enjoyed trying out a few different sports and developing our skills in PE. Take a look at a few of the wonderful things we have done this year so far. Year 1 have also been courageous advocates when they donated food and prepared packed lunches for Worcester Street Cafe.



Summer Term

We've had an exciting time in our science lessons, studying plants and exploring their similarities and differences. This half-term, we will be moving on to an in-depth look at trees. We're particularly excited about our upcoming trip to Bishops Wood, where we'll get to see and learn about different types of trees firsthand.

In maths, we've been working hard on counting in 2's, 5's, and 10's, as well as understanding fractions. This half-term, we'll be focusing on place value up to 100, and we'll also begin learning about money and time.

In geography, we're heading down under to explore Australia. We'll compare it to our own country by looking at what they eat, the size of the countries, the animals they have compared to ours, and the climate.

Remember to send in photos of your sunflowers for our competition. We are looking forward to seeing them.

We cannot wait to share our learning with you!