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Welcome to Reception Class 


Mrs Saunders 

Mrs Butcher   

Welcome to Reception!

We are delighted to welcome you and your children to our Reception class! Starting a new school is such a special time, and we are incredibly excited to get to know all the children over the coming weeks. Together, we will embark on a journey filled with learning, exploration, and fun!

To help everyone settle in smoothly, we have a few important reminders:

  • Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day to stay refreshed and hydrated.
  • Label all items your child brings to school, including clothing, lunch boxes, and water bottles, to avoid any confusion.
  • Keep us informed about who will be collecting your child at the end of each day, especially if there are any changes to the usual routine.
  • Read our weekly newsletter sent out every Friday. It will provide you with valuable information about our school life, the learning your child has been doing, and any important upcoming dates.
  • Wellington Boots to be brought into school. These will be kept in school as the children will go outdoors in all weathers. Please make sure they are named. 

In the first week, your child will bring home a "Marvellous Me" bag, along with instructions on what they can put inside. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about your child and what makes them unique.

Finally, please remember to return to our class webpage regularly over the next few weeks. We'll be sharing updates on the exciting learning and activities your children have been engaged in.

We look forward to a fantastic year ahead and are here to support you and your child every step of the way.