Late/Absence Procedures
Late/Absence Procedures
The school gates open at 8:40am, where children make their way on to the playground and then to their classrooms, which is supervised by school staff. Children should all be on site by 8:50am.
Children arriving at school after the 8:50am will need to enter school via the school office and use the school signing in system.
School finishes at 3:25pm for all children.
If your child will be absent from school, please call the school office on (01905) 352524 to register their absence. If a child is not in school, and we have not been contacted, we will send a text message to enquire about their whereabouts.
Please remember that you must notify us on each day your child is absent. For sickness & diarrhoea, children can not return until they have been clear for a minimum of 48 hours.
Holidays during term time.
Headteachers are no longer permitted to authorise term time absence for holidays. For parents who choose to take holidays during term time, the child's absence will be recorded as "unauthorised", and parents may be liable to a fixed penalty notice.
All holiday requests should be made in writing using the 'leave of absence request form' which can be collected from the school office.
Please see our attendance policy under the 'policies' section of the website for further details.