Our SEND Lead is Lucy Jones . You can contact her by emailing
Ms Jolanda Simmonds is also a qualified SENDCO and can be contacted via email:
The SEND Awareness of the term this half term is...
What is SEND?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The four broad areas of SEND include:
Click on the areas below to find out more:
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
If your child is identified as having a special educational need, you will be informed by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator [SENDCo], Miss Jones. With your consent, your child will be added to our school SEND register at ‘SEN Support’. Children with an EHCP will also be on our school SEND register. An Individual Provision Map (IPM) will be created for your child, outlining smart targets relating to their area/s of need.