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Uniform Information

Please find information below on our school uniform. Please note, there is no expectation that children wear a branded T-shirt or jumper/cardigan. 

Main Uniform:

Tops- Light blue polo shirt with or without the school logo.

Cardigan/ Sweatshirts- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school logo.

Trousers/ Shorts- Grey or black trousers/ shorts.

Skirts/ Pinafore/ Dresses- Navy blue skirts and pinafores. Dresses, blue gingham (Skirts and dresses to be worn no shorter than just above the knee).

Socks/ Tights- Ankle or knee length grey, black, or white socks.  Tights grey or black.

Footwear- Black school shoes suitable for school.

Book Bags- School book bag.

PE Kit:

PE T-shirt- White polo or t-shirt with or without the school logo.

PE Jumper- plain black sweatshirt with or without logo. 

Shorts- plain black.

Joggers- Plain black.

Socks- White or grey ankle length socks.

Footwear- Trainers for outdoor use. Black pumps for indoor use.

PE Bag- School PE bag, with or without the school logo.

Please note PE uniform must not be 'own clothes' or 'sports make branded'. Thank you

Additional expectations for presentation

Hair- Hair cuts must be modest and suitable for school. No extreme hair cuts/styles.  All shoulder length hair must be tied back.

Make- up- Not allowed.

Earrings- Only simple studs or small rings allowed. For PE, we advise parents to either take out earrings or supply us with tape.

Other Jewellery- jewellery is not permitted.

Nail varnish - painted nails are not permitted. 

Scarves/ headbands/hair accessories- Plain navy or black to match the school uniform colours only.                                             

Please ensure that all uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.

School uniform items with or without the school logo are sold via:

Monkhouse Worcester

14 - 16 Pump Street

Cathedral Square



01905 679938
